Telescopic instruments available for club members’ use…
The Illig Scope – this is this main instrument that is permanently mounted on the main pier within the observatory. It is available for use by club members who have undergone training to become “Certified Telescope Operators”.
The Rao* Meade Scope – this is a fork-mounted 14-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope stored at Alpha Ridge which is available for use by club members at star party events (public and members-only). It is mounted on a wheeled cart for ease in transporting it to-and-from the storage room.
* donated to HAL in 2018 by Govind Rao
Seestar S50 – the club owns a Seestar S50 that is available for club members to borrow for a period of one month. See Seestar Loaner Program page for details.