HAL Seestar S50 Loaner Program

HAL is now offering a loaner-program for HAL members to check-out our ZWO Seestar S50 all-in-one smart telescope for their personal use. There is more detail on the Google Form Signup Sheet linked below, but the highlights of the program are:


  • We have an online sign-up sheet for making the check-out request (thank you, VP Jim Tomney)
  • Checkout period will be the duration between successive HAL meetings (approx. one month)
  • Each month at the HAL public meeting conducted at the Robinson Nature Center, the Seestar will be given to the person in attendance who is highest on the list
  • Once you check it out, it is expected that you will return it to subsequent meetings (work with the HAL observatory director if there is a problem)

Upon checkout you acknowledge that:

  • You are responsible for the instrument while it is checked out
  • If the instrument is damaged, you will reimburse HAL for the cost of repair/replacement (up to $500).
  • You’ll be provided links to training, and you can ask the HAL observatory director or HAL Google Group for advice any time
  • You will need to supply your own mobile device (smart phone or tablet) to operate the instrument

This program is meant as a benefit (i.e., a “thank you”) for being a HAL member. It’s an experimental work-in-progress, so please be patient with the process. Any feedback on the sign-up or checkout experience will be greatly appreciated. Send feedback directly to HAL’s observatory director.