This page currently shows a listing for all of the books in the HAL Library, which resides physically within the HALO observatory at Alpha Ridge Park. In the future, we may upgrade our system to include online check-out, but for now the process involves a paper sign-out form, copies of which are located within the observatory building. Books can be checked-out any time there is an event where the observatory building is open. For more information, please coordinate with the club librarian at the email address below.

Index | Title | Author | Category | Condition | ISBN | Location | Shelf |
419 | Herman Heyn Observing Notes Vol 1 – Permanent Reserved | Herman Heyn | Astronomy Observing | Excellent | HALO | 7 | |
420 | Herman Heyn Observing Notes Vol 2 – Restricted Reserved | Herman Heyn | Astronomy Observing | Excellent | HALO | 7 | |
357 | 21st Century Atlas Of The Moon | Chas. A. Wood & Maurice Collins | Atlas | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
243 | 3000 Solved Problems In Physics | Alvin Halpern | Physics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
1 | 3D Atlas Of Stars And Galaxies | Richard Monkhouse and John Cox | Atlas | Excellent | 1-85233-189-5 | HALO | 9 |
228 | A Brief History Of Time | Stephen Hawking | Science | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
3 | A Brief History Of Time | Stephen Hawking | Science | Good | HALO | 14 | |
446 | A Brief History Of Time | Stephen Hawking | Physics | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
2 | A Brief History Of Time, A Reader’s Companion | Stephen J. Hawking | General | Good | HALO | 14 | |
4 | A History Of Astronomy | A. Pannekoek | General | Good | HALO | 3 | |
5 | A Portfolio Of Lunar Drawings | Harold Hill | Lunar | VG | HALO | 10 | |
7 | A View Of The Universe – Copy 1 | David Malin | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 4 | |
437 | A View Of The Universe – Copy 2 | David Malin | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 4 | |
199 | AAVSO Charts | AAVSO | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 2 | |
188 | Activities In Astronomy (workbook) | Darrel Hoff | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 5 | |
257 | Advanced Calculus | Wilfred Kaplan | Mathematics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
317 | Advanced Telescope Making Techniques Vol 1 | Allan Mackintosh | Telescope Making | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
8 | All About Telephoto Lenses | Edmund Scientific | ATM | Fair | HALO | 10 | |
324 | Almost Everyone’s Guide To Science | John Gribbin | General Science | Excellent | HALO | 15 | |
223 | Amateur Astronomers Handbook | J. B. Sidgwick | Astronomy | Poor | HALO | 8 | |
9 | Amateur Telescope Making, Advanced | Albert Ingalls, ed. | ATM | Fair | HALO | 10 | |
11 | Amateur Telescope Making, Vol. 1 | Albert Ingalls, ed. | ATM | Fair | HALO | 10 | |
10 | Amateur Telescope Making, Vol. 2 | Albert Ingalls, ed. | ATM | Fair | HALO | 10 | |
330 | Amateur Telescope Making, Vol. 3 | Albert Ingalls, Ed. | ATM | Fair | HALO | 10 | |
12 | An Instant Guide To Stars & Planets | Forey, Pamela & Cecelia Fitzsimons | Observing guide | Excellent | HALO | 4 | |
183 | An Introduction To Astronomy | Robert Baker | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 3 | |
264 | Analytical Mechanics | Grant Fowles | Mathematics | Excellent | HALO | 13 | |
414 | And There Was Light | Rudolf Thiel | Science | Good | HALO | 14 | |
451 | Astrobiology: The Search For Alien Life | Andrew May | Science | Excellent | 9.78192E+12 | HALO | 14 |
344 | Astrodynamics Lectures | Donavan Haxton | Physics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
240 | Astronautics And Aeronautics | NASA | Space Flight | Excellent | HALO | 13 | |
316 | Astronomical Objects For Southern Telescopes – Copy 1 | E. J. Hartung | Observing Guide | Excellent | HALO | 5 | |
439 | Astronomical Objects For Southern Telescopes – Copy 2 | E.J. Hartung | Observing Guide | Excellent | HALO | 5 | |
271 | Astronomy | Dinah Moche | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 3 | |
220 | Astronomy | Harold Jacoby | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 3 | |
216 | Astronomy | Robert Baker | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 3 | |
15 | Astronomy | Menzel, Donald H. | General | Fair | HALO | 3 | |
421 | Astronomy | Henry Russel, Raymond Dugan, John Stewar | Astronomy Book | Fair | HALO | 4 | |
433 | Astronomy A Textbook | John Duncan | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 3 | |
18 | Astronomy For Dummies | Stephen P. Maran | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 3 | |
19 | Astronomy From A Dipper | Eliot C. Clarke | Observing guide | Fair | HALO | 3 | |
20 | Astronomy Hacks, Tips And Tools For Observing The Night Sky | Robert Bruce Thompson and Barbara Fritchman Thompson | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
226 | Astronomy On Your Computer — Celestial Basic | Eric Burgess | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 4 | |
294 | Astronomy Plates | Cal Tech | Photographic Star | Excellent | HALO | 2 | |
21 | Astronomy Projects For Young Scientists | Necia Apfel | General | Good | HALO | 4 | |
22 | Astronomy Today, 5th Edition | Chaisson, Eric & Steve McMillan | Textbook | Excellent | 0-13-144596-0 | HALO | 3 |
275 | Astronomy Today, 5th Edition | Chaisson, Eric & Steve McMillan | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 3 | |
23 | Astronomy With Binoculars | Muirden, James | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 4 | |
218 | Astronomy With Your Personal Computer Programming | Peter Smith | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 3 | |
24 | Astronomy | 365 Days | Jerry T. Bonnell | Picture book | Good | HALO | 4 | |
25 | Astrophotography For The Amateur | Michael Covington | Astrophotography | Good | HALO | 10 | |
26 | Astrophotography For The Amateur, 2nd. Ed. | Michael Covington | Astrophotography | Good | HALO | 10 | |
27 | Astrophotography, 2nd. Ed., Featuring The Fx System Of Exposure Determination | Barry Gordon | Astrophotography | Good | HALO | 10 | |
28 | Astrophotography: An Introduction – Copy 1 | Arnold, H. J. P. | Astrophotography | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
442 | Astrophotography: An Introduction – Copy 2 | Arnold, H. J. P. | Astrophotography | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
251 | Astrophysical Formulae | Kenneth Lang | Physics | Excellent | HALO | 13 | |
361 | Atlas Of Comet Halley 1910 II | Betram Donn, Jurgen Rahe | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 15 | |
362 | Atlas Of Comet Halley 1910 II | Betram Donn, Jurgen Rahe | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 15 | |
30 | Atlas Of Galaxies Useful For Measuring The Cosmological Distance Scale | Allen Sandage and John Bedke | Picture book | VG | HALO | 2 | |
359 | Atlas Of The Galixes | Alan Sandage, John Bedke | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 2 | |
282 | Atlas Of The Heavens | Sky Publishing | Pictorial | Fair | HALO | 2 | |
360 | Atlas Of The Moon | Charles Wood, Maurice Collins | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
333 | Atlas Of The Moon | Antonin Rukl | Lunar Astronomy | VG | HALO | 10 | |
327 | Bad Astronomy | Philip Plait | General Science | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
352 | Before The Beginning: Our Universe And Others | Martin Rees | General Science | VG | HALO | 15 | |
31 | Binocular Astronomy | Stephen Tonkin | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
435 | Binocular Astronomy | Craig Crossen | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 4 | |
32 | Binocular Stargazing | Mike D. Reynolds | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
214 | Black Holes And Time Warps | Kip Thorne | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
34 | Bright Star Atlas 2000.0 | Wil Tirion | Atlas | Good | HALO | 8 | |
33 | Bright Star Atlas 2000.0 | Wil Tirion | Atlas | Good | HALO | 8 | |
202 | Build Your Own Telescope | Richard Berry | Telescoping Making | Good | HALO | 10 | |
37 | Burnham’s Celestial Handbook, Vol. 2, An Observers Guide To The Universe Beyond The Solar System | Robert Burnham, jr. | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 9 | |
39 | Burnham’s Celestial Handbook: An Observers Guide To The Universe Beyond The Solar System Vol 1, Andromeda-Cetus | Robert Burnham, jr. | Observing guide | Excellent | 0-486-24063-0 | HALO | 9 |
35 | Burnham’s Celestial Handbook: An Observers Guide To The Universe Beyond The Solar System Vol 1, Andromeda-Cetus | Robert Burnham, jr. | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 9 | |
41 | Burnham’s Celestial Handbook: An Observers Guide To The Universe Beyond The Solar System Vol 2, Chameleon-Orion | Robert Burnham, jr. | Observing guide | VG | 0-486-24064-9 | HALO | 9 |
36 | Burnham’s Celestial Handbook: An Observers Guide To The Universe Beyond The Solar System Vol 2, Chameleon-Orion | Robert Burnham, jr. | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 9 | |
40 | Burnham’s Celestial Handbook: An Observers Guide To The Universe Beyond The Solar System Vol 3, Pavo-Vulpecula | Robert Burnham, jr. | Observing guide | Excellent | 0-486-24065-7 | HALO | 9 |
38 | Burnham’s Celestial Handbook: An Observers Guide To The Universe Beyond The Solar System Vol 3, Pavo-Vulpecula | Robert Burnham, jr. | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 9 | |
205 | Burnhams Celestial Handbook Volume 1, 2 And 3 Softcover | Robert Burnham | Observer Guide | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
204 | Burnhams Celestial Handbook Volume 2 Hardcover | Robert Burnham | Observer Guide | Good | HALO | 9 | |
193 | Case For The Face On Mars | Stanley McDaniel | General Science | Excellent | HALO | 15 | |
296 | Catalogue Of The Universe | Paul Murdin | Reference | Good | HALO | 5 | |
381 | CD – Selected Astronomical Catalogs Volume 2 ASCII | NASA | Astronomical Data | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
382 | CD – Selected Astronomical Catalogs Volume 2 FITS | NASA | Astronomical Data | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
383 | CD – Selected Astronomical Catalogs Volume 3 ASCII | NASA | Astronomical Data | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
384 | CD – Selected Astronomical Catalogs Volume 4 | NASA | Astronomical Data | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
6 | CD – A Tour Of The Cryosphere: The Earth’s Frozen Assets | NASA | DVD | Good | HALO | 12 | |
355 | CD – Astronomer | Expert Software | Astronomy CD | VG | HALO | 12 | |
17 | CD – Astronomy Adventure (2) | Standard Deviants | Astronomy CD | Good | HALO | 12 | |
14 | CD – Astronomy Adventures (1) | Standard Deviants | Astronomy CD | Good | HALO | 12 | |
45 | CD – Clear Skies! | Swinburne Astronomy Online | Astronomy CD | Good | HALO | 12 | |
385 | CD – Comet Halley Archive Volumes 1 To Volume 26 | NASA NSSDC | Comet Halley CDs | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
54 | CD – Earth’s Dynamic Space | NASA | Earth Science CD | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
354 | CD – Encyclopedia Of Space And The Universe | DK Multimedia | Astronomy CD | VG | HALO | 12 | |
65 | CD – Faces Of Earth | Science Channel | Earth Science CD | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
388 | CD – Mission To The Moon CLEMENTINE 15 CDs | USGS | Lunar Astronomy CD | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
386 | CD – Real Sky Polomar Observatory Volume 1 North 9 CDs | AURA | Observing Reference | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
387 | CD – Real Sky Polomar Observatory Volume 2 South 9 CDs | AURA | Observing Reference | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
102 | CD – Redshift Planetarium | National Geographic | Astronomy CD | Good | HALO | 12 | |
120 | CD – Starscapes: The Face Of Human Spaceflight | NASA | Astronomy CD | Good | HALO | 12 | |
389 | CD – Voyger Mission To The Outer Planets 12 CDs | NASA NSSDC | Astronomical Plane | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
377 | CD -Mission To Mars Volume 10 | USGS | Astronomy CD | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
378 | CD -Mission To Mars Volume 11 | USGS | Astronomy CD | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
379 | CD -Mission To Mars Volume 12 | USGS | Astronomy CD | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
380 | CD -Mission To Mars Volume 13 | USGS | Astronomy CD | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
375 | CD -Mission To Mars Volume 8 | USGS | Astronomy CD | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
376 | CD -Mission To Mars Volume 9 | USGS | Astronomy CD | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
153 | CD -The Planets | Scientific American Library | Astronomy CD | Good | HALO | 12 | |
408 | CD Life In Our Universe | Laird Close | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
407 | CD New Frontiers: Modern Perspective On Our Solar System | Frank Summers | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
391 | CD Our Night Sky Course Guidebook Professor Copy | Edward Murphy – Great Courses | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 12 | |
397 | Celebrating The 2017 Great American Eclipse, Volume 516 | Sanlyn Buxnerm, Linda Shore, Joe Jensen | Solar Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
43 | Celestial Objects For Modern Telescopes | Covington, Michael | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
406 | Chandra X-Ray Observatory Tactile Book | Smithsonian Women’s Committee | Spacecraft Information | Excellent | HALO | 7 | |
229 | Chaos: Making A New Science | James Gleick | Mathematics | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
283 | Chart Of The Heavens | Hasen Planetarium | Observing Guide | VG | HALO | 5 | |
44 | City Astronomy | Scagell, Robin | General | VG | HALO | 4 | |
258 | College Algebra | Lewis Siceloff | Mathematics | Excellent | HALO | 13 | |
237 | Columbia Accident Investigation Board | NASA | Space Flight | Excellent | HALO | 15 | |
192 | Comet | Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan | Scence | Poor | HALO | 14 | |
47 | Comet | Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan | Science | Good | HALO | 14 | |
48 | Comets, Popular Culture, And The Birth Of Modern Cosmology | Sarah J. Schechner | General Science | Good | HALO | 15 | |
346 | Comets, Stars, Planets | Nigel Henbest | Astronomy | VG | HALO | 15 | |
177 | Contemporary Astronomy | Jay Pasachoff | Astronomy | Poor | HALO | 3 | |
276 | Contemporary Astronomy | Jay M. Pasachoff | Textbook | Good | HALO | 3 | |
49 | Contemporary Astronomy, 3d Ed. | Jay M. Pasachoff | Textbook | Good | HALO | 3 | |
336 | Copernican Revolution | Thomas Kuhn | Science | Excellent | HALO | 15 | |
326 | Cosmic Catastrophes: Supernovae’s | J. Graig Wheeler | Astrophysics | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
393 | Cosmic Challenge | Philip Harrington | Atlas | VG | HALO | 8 | |
325 | Cosmic Enigmas | Joseph Silk | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 5 | |
50 | Cosmic Questions, Our Place In Space And Time | Harvard Center for Astrophysics | General Science | Good | HALO | 14 | |
250 | Cosmic Radio Waves | Richard Rodman | Radio Astronomy | Good | HALO | 9 | |
390 | Cosmos | Giles Sparrow | Astronomy Picture | Excellent | HALO | 7 | |
51 | Dark Nebulae, Globules, And Protostars | Beverly T. Lynds, ed. | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 8 | |
295 | Deep Sky Wonders | Walter Scott Houston | Astronomy Book | VG | HALO | 5 | |
52 | Deep-sky Observing With Small Telescopes | David Eicher | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 5 | |
262 | Differential Equations | Herman Betz | Mathematics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
284 | Digital Dome Model 3 | John Menke, Meg Menke | Reference | Good | HALO | 2 | |
279 | Discover The Stars With Telescopes And Binoculars | Richard Berry | Observing | Good | HALO | 4 | |
53 | Discover The Stars, How To Use The Telescope | Gaylord Johnson, Irving Adler | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 10 | |
416 | Drawing The Line: Mason/Dixon | Edwin Danson | Miscellaneous | VG | HALO | 15 | |
212 | Dynamic Astronomy | Robert Dixon | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 4 | |
55 | Eclipse! The What, Where, When, Why, And How Guide To Watching Solar And Lunar Eclipses | Philip S. Harrington | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 10 | |
56 | Edmound Halley, The Man And His Comet | Barbara Hooper Heckart | General Science | Good | HALO | 15 | |
57 | Edwin Hubble, Mariner Of The Nebulae | Gail E. Christianson | General Science | Good | HALO | 15 | |
348 | Einstein’s Mirror | Tony Hey, Patrick Walters | General Science | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
221 | Elements Of Astronomy | Charles Young | Astronomy | Poor | HALO | 3 | |
58 | Encyclopedia Of Astronomy And Astrophysics – Vol 1: A-Gel | Murdin, Paul, ed. | Reference | Excellent | 0-333-75088-4 | HALO | 8 |
59 | Encyclopedia Of Astronomy And Astrophysics-Vol 2: Gem-N | Murdin, Paul, ed. | Reference | Excellent | 0-333-75088-4 | HALO | 8 |
60 | Encyclopedia Of Astronomy And Astrophysics-Vol 3: O-Sol | Murdin, Paul, ed. | Reference | Excellent | 0-333-75088-4 | HALO | 8 |
61 | Encyclopedia Of Astronomy And Astrophysics-Vol 4: Sol-Z, Index | Murdin, Paul, ed. | Reference | Excellent | 0-333-75088-4 | HALO | 8 |
429 | Envisioning Exoplanets | Michael Carroll | Astronomy Book | Excellent | HALO | 5 | |
422 | Essays In Space Science | NASA | Space Science | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
62 | Experiments In Astronomy, 3d. Ed. | Leo Blitz and Michael F. A’Hearn | Astronomy Book | Good | HALO | 5 | |
426 | Exploration Of The Universe | George Abell | Astronomy Book | Excellent | HALO | 3 | |
232 | Exploring Space With A Camera | NASA | Astrography | Good | HALO | 10 | |
318 | Exploring The Moon | Ernest H. Cherrington | Lunar Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
63 | Exploring The Southern Sky, A Pictorial Atlas From The European Southern Observatory | Laustsen, Madsen, West | Picture book | Good | HALO | 5 | |
315 | Extreme Stars At The Edge Of Creation | James Kaler | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 8 | |
396 | Find Your Telescope | Meade Corporation | Telescopes | Good | HALO | 10 | |
67 | Fireside Astronomy, An Anecdotal Tour Through The History And Lore Of Astronomy | Patrick Moore, ed. | General | Good | HALO | 3 | |
68 | First On The Moon | Gene Farmer Dora Jane Hamblin | General Science | VG | 978-1568523989 | HALO | 15 |
255 | Foundations Of Electromagnetic Theory | John Reitz | Physics | Excellent | HALO | 13 | |
334 | Full Moon | Michal Light | Lunar Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
69 | Fun With Optics | Sam Brown, ed. | ATM | Fair | HALO | 10 | |
447 | Fundamentals Of Physics | Halliday And Resnick | Physics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
364 | Galatic Astronomy | James Binney, Michael Merrifield | Astrophysics | Excellent | HALO | 8 | |
72 | Galaxies, Nuclei, And Quasars | Fred Hoyle | General | Good | HALO | 8 | |
70 | Galaxies- (small Book) | Timothy Ferris | Astronomy Photo’s | VG | HALO | 5 | |
71 | Galaxies- Large Book | Timothy Ferris | Astronomy Photo’s | VG | 0-941434-02-8 | HALO | 7 |
231 | Geoscience And Remote Sensing | IEEE | Earth Science | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
206 | Giants Of Palomar | R. W. Porter | Telescope Drawings | Good | HALO | 15 | |
178 | Guide To The Stars With Binoculars | Leslie Peltier | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 4 | |
203 | Guidebook For The Scientific Traveller | Duane Nickell | General Science | Excellent | HALO | 15 | |
297 | Guidelines For Minimizing Urban Sky Glow | R. Cayrel, F. Smith | Dark Sky Organizat | Good | HALO | 5 | |
266 | Handbook Of Chemistry And Physics | Publishing Company | Chemistry and Physics | Excellent | HALO | 13 | |
418 | Harmonies Of The World | Johannes Kepler – Translated From German | Science | Good | HALO | 15 | |
73 | Hartung’s Astronomical Objects For Southern Telescopes, A Handbook For Amateur Observers, 2nd Ed. | David Mailn and David J. Frew | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 5 | |
285 | History Of The Watson Telescope | Chas Rimpo | Reference | VG | HALO | 2 | |
395 | How To Build Your Own Observatory | Telescoping Making Magazine | Observatory | Good | HALO | 10 | |
74 | How To Make A Telescope | Jean Texereau | ATM | Good | HALO | 10 | |
75 | How To Make A Telescope, 2nd. Ed. | Jean Texereau | ATM | VG | HALO | 10 | |
424 | How To Manage And Regulate Clocks And Watches | M. Ferdinand Berthold | Miscellaneous | Excellent | HALO | 15 | |
320 | Hubble Vision Astronomy With The HST | Carolyn Peterson, John Brandt | Astrophotography | Excellent | HALO | 5 | |
76 | Hubble’s Universe: A Portrait Of Our Galaxy | Goodwin, Simon | Picture book | Excellent | 0-670-87310-1 | HALO | 5 |
198 | Impact Jupiter: Comet Shoemaker-Levy | David Levy | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 15 | |
196 | In Search Of The Big Bang | John Gribbin | Cosmology | Good | HALO | 14 | |
302 | Instructor Guide To Neutron Stars In Binary Systems Workbook | Beth Hufnagel, William Howard | Stellar Workbook | Good | HALO | 9 | |
77 | Interactive Lesson Guide For Astronomy | Michael Zeilik | Astronomy Book | Good | HALO | 3 | |
261 | Introduction To Analysis | Norman Haaser | Mathematics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
337 | Introduction To Astrodynamics – Professor | Lockheed Missile And Space | Physics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
245 | Introduction To Astrodynamics – Student | Lockheed Missile and Space | Physics | Excellent | HALO | 13 | |
256 | Introduction To Electromagnetic Fields And Waves | Dale Corson | Physics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
249 | Introduction To Plasma Physics | Francis Chen | Physics | Excellent | HALO | 13 | |
244 | Introduction To Quantum Mechanics | Chalmers Sherwin | Physics | Excellent | HALO | 13 | |
186 | Investigating Astronomy (workbook) | Bernard McNamara | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 5 | |
78 | Is Pluto A Planet? A Historical Journey Through The Solar System | David A. Weintraub | General Science | Good | HALO | 15 | |
79 | Is Pluto A Planet? A Historical Journey Through The Solar System | David A. Weintraub | General Science | Good | HALO | 15 | |
80 | Journey To The Center Of Our Galaxy, A Voyage In Space And Time | Joel Davis | General | Good | HALO | 3 | |
423 | Journeyman Machinist Aotobiography Of Oscar Marshall | Ev Marshall Douglass | Science | Good | HALO | 14 | |
405 | Letters From An Astrophysicist | Neil DeGrasse Tyson | General Science | Excellent | 978-324-00331-1 | HALO | 14 |
252 | Library Of Practical Electricity Volume Vii | Terrell Croft | Electricity | VG | HALO | 13 | |
253 | Library Of Practical Electricity Volume Viii | Terrrell Croft | Electricity | Excellent | HALO | 13 | |
235 | Liftoff | Michael Collins | Space Flight | Good | HALO | 15 | |
81 | Living The Sky, The Cosmos Of The American Indian | Ray A. Williamson | General Science | Good | HALO | 15 | |
329 | Lost Moon The Perilous Voyage Of Apollo 13 | Jim Lovell, Jeffrey Kluger | General Book | Excellent | HALO | 15 | |
363 | Lunar Tables And Programs 4000BC To 8000AD | Michelle Chapront-Touze, John Chapront | Lunar Astronomy | VG | HALO | 10 | |
82 | Mag 6 Star Atleas | Terence Dickinson, Victor Costanzo, and Glenn F. Chaple | Atlas | Good | HALO | 9 | |
83 | Making And Enjoying Telescopes, 6 Complete Projects And A Stargazers Guide | Robert Miller and Kenneth Wilson | ATM | Good | HALO | 10 | |
84 | Making Your Own Telescope | Allyn J. Thompson | ATM | Good | HALO | 10 | |
400 | Making Your Own Telescope | Allyn Thompson | ATM | Fair | HALO | 10 | |
444 | Man’s Relation To The Universe | Bernard Lovell | General Astronomy | Good | HALO | 14 | |
392 | Man’s View Of The Universe | Gerald Tauber | Astronomy CD And B | VG | HALO | 3 | |
191 | Mankinds Comet: Halley | Guy Ottewell | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 7 | |
273 | Mapping The Sky | Leila Haddad | Astronomy | VG | HALO | 4 | |
417 | Mason And Dixon: Line Of Fire | Judith George | Miscellaneous | VG | HALO | 15 | |
343 | Matter With Electromagnetic Resonance | Tim Waterman | Physics | VG | HALO | 13 | |
366 | Millennium Star Atlas., Volume 1 | Roger Sinnott, Michael Perryman | Atlas | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
367 | Millennium Star Atlas., Volume 2 | Roger Sinnott, Michael Perryman | Atlas | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
368 | Millennium Star Atlas., Volume 3 | Roger Sinnott, Michael Perryman | Atlas | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
328 | Mining The Sky | John Lewis | General Science | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
427 | Moon Map | Philips | Lunar Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
332 | Moonwatch: A Complete Starter Pack For Lunar Observer | Peter Grego | Lunar Astronomy | Good | HALO | 10 | |
85 | Mounting Your Telescope | Edmund Scientific | ATM | Fair | HALO | 10 | |
86 | NASA 25 Years, Triumph And Tragedies, 6 DVD Set | NASA | DVD | Good | HALO | 12 | |
87 | National Audobon Pocket Guide To Clouds And Stomrs | Dr. David M. Ludlum, et al. | General | Good | HALO | 14 | |
272 | National Audubon Society Pocket Guide Constellations | Gary Mechler | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 3 | |
436 | National Geographic Encyclopedia Of Space | Linda Glover | Space Science | Excellent | HALO | 5 | |
181 | New Horizons In Astronomy | John Brandt | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 3 | |
88 | Newton’s Clock, Chaos In The Solar System | Peterson, Ivars | General | Good | HALO | 14 | |
89 | NGC2000.0 | Roger Sinnot, ed. | Catalog | Good | HALO | 8 | |
339 | Nicolaus Copernicus And His Epoch | Edward J Piszek | General | VG | HALO | 15 | |
90 | Night Sky: An Explore Your World Handbook | Discovery Channel | General | Excellent | 1-56331-801-6 | HALO | 4 |
91 | Nightwatch, An Equinox Guide To Viewing The Universe – 2 Copies | Terence Dickinson | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 4 | |
92 | Nightwatch: A Practical Guide To Viewing The Universe, 3rd Ed. | Terence Dickinson | General | Excellent | HALO | 3 | |
304 | Norton’s Star Atlas | Arthur Norton | Observing Reference | VG | HALO | 8 | |
452 | Norton’s Star Atlas | Arthur Norton | Observing Reference | VG | HALO | 8 | |
182 | Observational Astronomy For Amateurs | J.B. Sidgwick | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 4 | |
303 | Observe The Herschel Objects | Astronomical League | Reference | VG | HALO | 9 | |
298 | Observer’s Guides | George Kapple, Glen Sanner | Periodicals | Good | HALO | 5 | |
412 | Observes Handbook 2019 | Royal Astronomical Society Of Canada | Observer Guide | Excellent | HALO | 5 | |
93 | Observing Handbook And Catalog Of Deep-Sky Objects | Christian B. Luginbuhl and Brian A. Skiff | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 8 | |
445 | Observing Handbook AND Catalogue Of Deep-Sky Objects | Chritian B. Luginbuhl Brian A. Skiff | Observing Reference | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
94 | Observing Variable Stars, A Guide For The Beginner | David Levy | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 5 | |
95 | Origins, 14 Billion Years Of Cosmic Evolution | Tyson, Neil de Grasse & Donald Goldsmith | General Science | Good | HALO | 14 | |
365 | Our Universe | Roy Gallant | Astronomy Picture | Excellent | HALO | 3 | |
96 | Pale Blue Dot, A Vision Of The Human Future In Space | Carl Sagan | General | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
97 | Patrick Moore’s Passion For Astronomy | Patrick Moore, ed. | General | Good | HALO | 3 | |
98 | Photo Guide To The Constellations | Kitchin, Chris | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
242 | Physics For Science And Engineering | Robert Weber | Physics | Poor | HALO | 13 | |
286 | Physiographic Divisions Of The Moon | Robert Hackman, Arnold Mason | Pictorial | Fair | HALO | 2 | |
99 | Pictorial Guide To The Moon | Dinsmore Alter | Lunar | Fair | HALO | 10 | |
100 | Pictorial Guide To The Moon, Updated And Expanded Ed. | Dinsmore Alter | Lunar | Fair | HALO | 10 | |
263 | Plane And Spherical Trigonometry | M. Richardson | Mathematics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
338 | Planetary Geology | Nicholas M Short | Geology | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
369 | Planetary Programs And Tables 400BC To 2800AD | Pierre Bretagnon, Jean-Louis Simon | Atlas | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
287 | Planispheres | Various Authors | General | VG | HALO | 2 | |
101 | Powers Of Ten, About The Relative Size Of Things In The Universe | Philip Morrison and Phyllis Morrison and The Office of Charles and Ray Eames | General Science | Fair | HALO | 15 | |
215 | Practical Astronomy | Jason Nassasu | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 3 | |
259 | Prime Obsession | John Derbyshires | Mathematics | Good | HALO | 14 | |
254 | Principles Of Electricity And Magnetism | Emerson Pugh | Electricity | Excellent | HALO | 13 | |
197 | Radio Astronomy | Graham Smith | Radio Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
432 | Red Planet | Giles Sparrow | Planetary Astronomy | VG | HALO | 10 | |
103 | Revelaing The Universe, The Making Of The Chandra Xray Observatory | Walalce Tucker and Karen Tucker | General | Good | HALO | 15 | |
233 | Rocket Men | Craig Nelson | Space Flight | Good | HALO | 15 | |
349 | Rockets, Missiles And Space Travel | Willy Ley | General Science | Good | HALO | 15 | |
104 | Satellites Of The Outer Planets, Worlds In Their Own Right | David A. Rothery | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 4 | |
180 | Seeing In The Dark | Timothy Ferris | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
105 | Seeing The Deep Sky, Telescopic Astronomy Projects – Copy 1 | Fred Schaaf | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 5 | |
440 | Seeing The Deep Sky, Telescopic Astronomy Projects – Copy 2 | Fred Schaaf | Observing Guide | VG | HALO | 5 | |
106 | Seeing The Sky, 100 Projects, Activities, And Explorations In Astronomy | Fred Schaaf | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 3 | |
340 | Six Easy Pieces | Richard Feynman | Physics | VG | HALO | 13 | |
341 | Six Not So Easy Pieces | Richard Feynman | Physics | Excellent | HALO | 13 | |
107 | Sky Atlas 2000.0 | Tirion, Wil & Roger W. Sinnott | Atlas | VG | HALO | 2 | |
291 | Sky Atlas 2000.0 | Roger Sinnott | Reference | Excellent | HALO | 2 | |
305 | Sky Catalogue 2000.0 Volume 1 | Alan Hirshfeld, Roger Sinnott | Observing Reference | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
306 | Sky Catalogue 2000.0 Volume 2 | Alan Hirshfeld, Roger Sinnott | Observing Reference | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
210 | Sky Observers Guide | Newton Mayall and Margaret Mayall | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 5 | |
108 | Skyguide, A Field Guide For Amateur Astronomers | Mark R. Chartrand III | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
277 | Skyguide, A Field Guide For Amateur Astronomers | Mark R. Chartrand III | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
345 | Space Mechanics Course | Donavan Haxton | Physics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
110 | Splendors Of The Universe: A Practical Guide To Photographing The Night Sky | Terence Dickinson & Jack Newton | Astrophotography | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
356 | Splendors Of The Universe: A Practical Guide To Photography | Terence Dickinson And Jack Newton | Astrophotography | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
109 | Splendors Of The Universe: A Practical Guide To Photographing The Night Sky | Terence Dickinson & Jack Newton | Astrophotography | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
265 | Standard Mathematical Tables | Samuel Selby | Mathematics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
211 | Star Guide: A Field Guide – 2 Copies | Mark Chartrandd | Observing Guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
195 | Star Names: Their Lore And Meaning (#1) | Richard Allen | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 4 | |
413 | Star Names: Their Lore And Meaning (#2) | Richard Allen | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 4 | |
289 | Star Watch | Philip Harrington | Observing Guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
113 | Stargazer, The Life And Times Of The Telescope | Fred Watson | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 5 | |
114 | Stargazing Secrets, A Guide To Skywatching Using Binoculars And Telescope | Anton Vamplew | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
115 | Stargazing With Binoculars And Telescopes, A User-friendly Guide For Locating Planets, Stars, And Deep-space Objects | Mosley, John | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
116 | Stargazing With Telescope And Camera | George T. Keene | Astrography | Good | HALO | 10 | |
117 | Starry Night Companion – Copy 1 | Mosley, John | Observing guide | Excellent | HALO | 4 | |
438 | Starry Night Companion – Copy 2 | John Mosley | Observing Guide | Excellent | HALO | 4 | |
331 | Starry Night Enthusiast | Space Holding | Observing Guide | Good | HALO | 4 | |
118 | Starry Night: Searching For Superstars | Starry Night | Observing Guide | Good | HALO | 4 | |
119 | Stars And Galaxies, Astronomy’s Guide To Exploring The Cosmos | David J. Eicher, ed. | Astronomy Book | VG | HALO | 5 | |
288 | Stars And Planets | Donald Menzel, Jay Pasachoff | Observing Guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
194 | Stars In The Making | Cecilia Gaposchkin | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 4 | |
121 | Starware, The Amateur Astronomers Ultimate Guide To Choosing, Buying, And Using Telescopes And Accessories | Philip S. Harrington | Equipment guide | VG | HALO | 10 | |
268 | Stonehenge Decoded | Gerald Hawkins | Science History | VG | HALO | 14 | |
122 | Story Of The Eclipses, Library Of Valuable Knowledge | George F. Chambers | Solar Astronomy | Fair | HALO | 10 | |
66 | Sun Observers Guide | Pam Spence | Solar Astronomy | Good | HALO | 10 | |
247 | Superconductivity Supplement For Physics | Raymond Serway | Physics | Excellent | HALO | 13 | |
248 | Superconductivity Supplement For Physics | Raymond Serway | Physics | Poor | HALO | 13 | |
124 | Telescope Optics, Evaluation And Design- A Comprehensive Manual For Amateur Astronomers | Harrie Rutten and Martin van Venrooij | ATM | VG | HALO | 10 | |
125 | Telescopes: How To Make Them And Use Them | Page, Thornton & Lou Williams Pages, eds. | Telescopes | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
126 | The Amateur Astronomer’s Handbook, A Guide To Exploring The Heavens | James Muirden | General | Good | HALO | 3 | |
209 | The Amateur Astronomers Catalog Of 500 Deep Sky Objects Volume 1 | Ronald Morales | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 5 | |
307 | The ARP Atlas Of Peculiar Galaxies | Jeff Kanipe, Dennis Webb | Observers Guide | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
185 | The Astronomers | Donald Goldsmith | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 3 | |
184 | The Astronomers | Donald Goldsmith | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 3 | |
370 | The Astronomy And Astrophysics Encyclopedia | Stephen Maran | Astronomy Encyclopedia | Excellent | HALO | 8 | |
127 | The Astroscan 2001 Telescope Manual | Richard Berry and Edmund Scientific Co. | General | Good | HALO | 10 | |
128 | The Backyard Astronomer’s Guide | Terence Dickinson and Alan Dyer | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 4 | |
129 | The Backyard Astronomer’s Guide | Terence Dickinson and Alan Dyer | General | Excellent | HALO | 4 | |
398 | The Backyards Astronomer Guide | Terence Dickinson And Alan Dyer | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 4 | |
399 | The Backyards Astronomer Guide | Terence Dickinson And Alan Dyer | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 4 | |
428 | The Beauty Of Space Art | Jon Romer, Ron Miller | Astrophotography | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
290 | The Big Book Of Space Discovery | Sharon Fry, Jeff Schmidt | Astronomy | VG | HALO | 2 | |
308 | The Caldwell Objects | Stephen O’Meara | Observing Reference | Excellent | HALO | 8 | |
130 | The Cambridge Guide To The Constellations | Michael E. Bakich | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 5 | |
131 | The Cambridge Star Atlas, 2nd. Ed. | Wil Tirion | Atlas | Excellent | 0-521-56098-5 | HALO | 8 |
132 | The Cambridge Star Atlas, 3rd Ed. | Wil Tirion | Atlas | Excellent | 0-521-80084-6 | HALO | 8 |
403 | The Carnegie Atlas Of Galaxies Volume 1 | Allan Sandage John Bedke | Atlas | Excellent | HALO | 2 | |
404 | THE Carnegie Atlas Of Galaxies Volume 2 | Allan Sandage John Bedke | Atlas | Excellent | HALO | 2 | |
353 | The Case For The Face | Stanley McDaniel, Monica Paxson | General Science | VG | HALO | 15 | |
133 | The Complete Guide To The Constellations, The Starwatcher’s Essential Guide To The 88 Constellations, Their Myths And Symbols | Geoffrey Cornelius | Observing guide | Excellent | HALO | 4 | |
134 | The Copernican Revolution, Planetary Astrnomy In The Development Of Western Though | Thomas S. Kuhn | General Science | Excellent | HALO | 15 | |
135 | The Cosmos, Astronomy In The New Millenium | Pasachoff, Jay M. & Alex Fillipenko | Textbook | Good | HALO | 3 | |
278 | The Cosmos, Astronomy In The New Millenium | Pasachoff, Jay & Alex Fillipenko | Textbook | Good | HALO | 3 | |
136 | The Deep Sky Field Guide To Uranometria 2000.0 | Cragin, Lucyk, Rappaport | Observing guide | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
309 | The Deep Sky Field Guide To Uranometria 2000.0 | Cragin, Lucyk, Rappaport | Observing Guide | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
322 | The Discovery Of Subatomic Particles | Steven Weinberg | Physics | Excellent | HALO | 13 | |
443 | The Dobsonian Telescope | David Kriege Richard Berry | Telescope Making | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
448 | The Dobsonian Telescope | David Kriege And Richard Berry | Telescope Making | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
293 | The Early Days Of Sidewalk Astronomy – Restricted Reserved | John Dobson | Astronomy and Auth | Good | HALO | 7 | |
137 | The Edmund Sky Guide | Terence Dickinson and Sam Brown | Observing Guide | Good | HALO | 5 | |
335 | The Elegant Universe | Brian Greene | General Astronomy | VG | HALO | 14 | |
430 | The Exploration Of Outer Space | Sir Bernard Lovell | Astronomy Book | Good | HALO | 3 | |
138 | The Facts On File Dictionary Of Astronomy | Valerie Illingworth, ed. | General | Good | HALO | 3 | |
179 | The Fascinating World OfAstronomy | Robert Richardson | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 3 | |
425 | The Glass Giant Of Palomar | David Woodbury | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 15 | |
449 | The Glass Universe | Dava Sobel | General | Excellent | 9.78067E+12 | HALO | 14 |
139 | The Glorious Constellations, History And Mythology | Guiseppe Maria Sesti | Picture book | Excellent | 0-8109-3355-1 | HALO | 7 |
189 | The Grand Tour To The Solar System | Ron Miller | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 3 | |
140 | The Great Atlas Of The Stars | Serge Brunier | Observing Guide | Good | HALO | 7 | |
141 | The Heavens On Fire: The Great Leonid Meteor Storms | Littmann, Mark | General Science | VG | 0-521-77979-0 | HALO | 14 |
371 | The Hipparcos And Tycho Catalogues Volume 1 | ESA | Observing Reference | Excellent | HALO | 8 | |
372 | The Hipparcos And Tycho Catalogues Volume 17 ESA | ESA | Observing Reference | Excellent | HALO | 8 | |
142 | The Hubble Atlas Of Galaxies | Allen Sandage | Picture book | VG | 0-87279-629-9 | HALO | 9 |
373 | The International Halley Watch | John Brandt, Malcolm Niedner, Jurgen Rah | Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 15 | |
323 | The Last Three Minutes | Paul Davies | General Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
143 | The Lunar Almanac | Rosemary Ellen Guiley | Lunar Astronomy | Good | HALO | 10 | |
144 | The Messier Album | John H. Mallas & Evered Kreimer | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 8 | |
411 | The Messier Album | John Melllas, Evered Kreimer | Observer Guide | VG | HALO | 5 | |
310 | The Messier Objects Volume 1 | Brent Watson | Observing Reference | VG | HALO | 9 | |
311 | The Messier Objects Volume 2 | Brent Watson | Observing Reference | VG | HALO | 9 | |
319 | The Modern Moon | Charles A. Wood | Lunar Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
374 | The Modern Moon | Charles Wood | Lunar Astronomy | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
145 | The Moon | R. A. Proctor | Lunar Astronomy | Fair | HALO | 10 | |
146 | The Nature Company Guides: Advanced Skywatching | Robert Burnham, Jr. | Observing Guide | Good | HALO | 5 | |
147 | The Nature Company Guides: Skywatching | David H. Levy | Observing Guide | Good | HALO | 5 | |
148 | The Nature Company Guides: Weather | many | Earth Science | Good | HALO | 14 | |
394 | The New CCD Astronomy | Ron Wodaski | Astrophotography | Good | HALO | 10 | |
300 | The Night Sky Observers Guide, Volume 1 | George Keppler, Glen Sanner | Observing Guide | Good | HALO | 5 | |
301 | The Night Sky Observers Guide, Volume 2 | George Keper, Glen Sanner | Observing Guide | Good | HALO | 5 | |
434 | The Night Sky Observers Guide, Volume 4 | George Keppler, Glen Sanner | Observing Guide | Excellent | HALO | 5 | |
441 | The Night Sky Observers Guide, Volume 4 | George Keper, Glen Sanner | Observing Guide | VG | HALO | 5 | |
149 | The Night Sky Through Your Telescope | Robin Scagell | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
150 | The Nobleman And His Housedog : Tycho Brahe And Johannes Kepler: The Strange Partnership That Revolutionised Science | Kitty Ferguson | General Science | VG | 0-7472-7022-8 | HALO | 15 |
151 | The Observation Amateur Astronomer, Practical Astronomy | Patrick Moore, ed. | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 4 | |
227 | The Observers Guide | Sky and Telescope | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 5 | |
431 | The Other Side Of The Moon | Pergammon Press | Lunar Astronomy | Good | HALO | 10 | |
152 | The Oxford Guide To The History Of Physics And Astronomy | John L. Heilbron, ed. | Physics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
342 | The Physics Toolbox: Survival Guide For Introductory Physics | Kirsten A Hubbard, Debora M Katz | Physics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
219 | The Quiet Sun | Edward Gibson | Solar Astronomy | Good | HALO | 10 | |
154 | The Realm Of The Nebulae | Edwin Hubble | Astronomy Book | Good | HALO | 8 | |
239 | The Right Stuff | Tom Wolfe | Space Flight | Good | HALO | 15 | |
321 | The Search For Superstrings, Symmetry And The Theory | John Gribbin | Physics | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
401 | The Secret Deep | Stephen James O’Meara | Astronomy Picture | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
213 | The Sky A Users Guide | David Levy | Observing Guide | Excellent | HALO | 4 | |
217 | The Sky Astronomy Software Programming Software Disks | Jeffrey Sax | Astronomy | Good | HALO | 5 | |
299 | The Sky Astronomy Software Manual, Version 5 | Software Bisque | Astronomy Software | Good | HALO | 5 | |
409 | The Sky Is Not The Limit | Neil De Grasse Tyson | Science | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
155 | The Sky: A User’s Guide | David H. Levy | Observing Guide | Good | HALO | 4 | |
234 | The Space Shuttle Operator’s Manuel | Kerny Joels | Space Flight | Good | HALO | 15 | |
280 | The Star Guide | Steven Beyer | Observing Guide | Good | HALO | 4 | |
281 | The Star Guide | Steven Beyer | Observing Guide | Good | HALO | 4 | |
156 | The Starry Room, Naked Eye Astronomy In The Intimate Universe | Fred Schaaf | Observing Guide | Good | HALO | 4 | |
157 | The Stars, A New Way To See Them | H. A. Rey | Observing guide | Fair | HALO | 3 | |
347 | The State Of The Universe | Geoffrey T Bath | Astronomy | VG | HALO | 14 | |
267 | The Story Of Jodrell Bank | Bernard Lovell | General Science | Excellent | HALO | 15 | |
158 | The Sun | C. A. Young | Observing guide | Fair | HALO | 10 | |
312 | The Sun Kings | Stuart Clark | Book | Excellent | HALO | 10 | |
230 | The Third Planet | Time-Life | Earth Science | VG | HALO | 14 | |
159 | The Trained Eye, An Introduction To Observational Astronomy | Leon Palmer | Observing guide | Good | HALO | 5 | |
160 | The Universe From Your Backyard, A Guide To Deep-sky Objects From Astronomy Magazine | David Eicher | Observing guide | VG | HALO | 5 | |
222 | The View From A Distant Star | Harlow Shapley | General Astronomy | Good | HALO | 14 | |
292 | The Voyager Poster Book | Gregory Aaron | Astronomy | VG | HALO | 2 | |
246 | Theoretical Astrophysics | V. Ambartsumyan | Physics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
410 | To Mars With Love | Patricia Ann Stratt | Science | Excellent | HALO | 14 | |
450 | Universal Transparent Celestial Globe | N/a | Globes | Excellent | HALO | 1 | |
163 | Universe And Beyond, 3rd. Ed. | Terence Dickinson | Picture book | Good | HALO | 5 | |
274 | Universe The Definitive Visual Guide | Martin Rees | Astronomy | VG | HALO | 3 | |
260 | Unknown Quantity | John Derbyshire | Mathematics | Good | HALO | 13 | |
313 | Uranometria 2000.0 Deep Sky Atlas, Vol. 1, The Northern Hemi | Trion, Rapport, Remaklus | Observing Reference | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
164 | Uranometria 2000.0 Deep Sky Atlas, Vol. 1, The Northern Hemisphere To -6 Degrees | Tirion, Rappaport, Remaklus | Atlas | Excellent | 978-0-943396-71-2 | HALO | 9 |
314 | Uranometria 2000.0 Deep Sky Atlas, Vol. 2, The Southern Hemi | Trion, Rapport, Remaklus | Observing Reference | Excellent | HALO | 9 | |
165 | Uranometria 2000.0, Vol. 1, The Northern Hemisphere To -6 Degrees | Tirion, Rappaport, Lovi | Atlas | Excellent | 0-943396-14-X | HALO | 9 |
167 | Uranometria 2000.0, Vol. 2, The Southern Hemisphere To +6 Degrees | Tirion, Rappaport, Remaklus | Atlas | Excellent | 978-0-943396-72-9 | HALO | 9 |
415 | Venus In Transit | Eli Maor | Science | VG | HALO | 14 | |
208 | Visual Astronomy Of The Deep Sky | Roger Clark | Observing Guide | Excellent | HALO | 5 | |
351 | Von Braun | Michael Neufeld | General Science | VG | HALO | 15 | |
238 | Voyages Through Space And Time – Voyager II | Jon Wooley | General Science | Excellent | HALO | 15 | |
350 | We Came In Peace | Nick Oddo, Peter Topaz | General Science | Good | HALO | 15 | |
236 | We Reach The Moon | John Wilford | Space Flight | Good | HALO | 15 | |
207 | Webb Society Deep Sky Observers Handbook Volumes 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8 | Webb Society | Observing Guides | Good | HALO | 8 | |
168 | Webb Society Deep-Sky Observer’s Handbook, 2nd Ed. Volume 1 Double Stars | Webb Society, Kenneth Glyn Jones, ed. | Observing guide | Good | 0-89490-122-2 | HALO | 8 |
169 | Webb Society Deep-Sky Observer’s Handbook, Volume 2 Planetary And Gaseous Nebulae | Webb Society, Kenneth Glyn Jones, ed. | Observing guide | Good | 0-89490-028-5 | HALO | 8 |
170 | Webb Society Deep-Sky Observer’s Handbook, Volume 3 Open And Globular Clusters | Webb Society, Kenneth Glyn Jones, ed. | Observing guide | Good | 0-89490-034-X | HALO | 8 |
172 | Webb Society Deep-Sky Observer’s Handbook, Volume 4 Galaxies | Webb Society, Kenneth Glyn Jones, ed. | Observing guide | Good | 0-89490-050-1 | HALO | 8 |
171 | Webb Society Deep-Sky Observer’s Handbook, Volume 4 Galaxies | Webb Society, Kenneth Glyn Jones, ed. | Observing guide | Good | 0-89490-050-1 | HALO | 8 |