Members-only star parties and impromptu star parties are intended to give our members a chance to observe or image from the darker skies at Alpha Ridge or Carrs Mill. Unlike our public events, these events provide a more casual atmosphere for “doing your own thing”.  While socializing and sharing of technical information with other club members is encouraged, it is expected that attendees be mindful that others may be pursuing their own visual or photography astronomical programs and may not wish to be disturbed.

HAL members are fortunate to have access to both Alpha Ridge and Carrs Mill parks for our star parties.  Before heading out to either, it’s generally a good idea to check the weather report for Mariottsville, MD.  It’s also generally good practice to bring an extra layer or two of clothes just in case temperatures drop more than expected. 

For scheduled, members-only events, you can check the Howardastro Googlegroups list for notification e-mails. 

Impromptu event* information will be made available through the Members Only “HAL_Impromptu” Gaggle e-mail group.  When first joining HAL, members are Opted-Out of this notification list by default.  To Opt-In, see How to Join HAL’s Impromptu Mailing List

* Impromptu star parties occur when select members with gate keys decide to open up one of the parks.  Gate keyholders are encouraged to post the e-mail announcement as early as possible prior to the viewing session, but based on the weather forecast, Gaggle group impromptu announcements are often made at the last-minute.

Once you are on the impromptu list, you can either reply to an existing impromptu list e-mail or initiate a new one using e-mail address If you are an opted-in HAL Member but not a gate keyholder and want to attend impromptu viewing sessions, keep your eyes peeled for e-mail announcements.

Members should read Member-Only and Impromptu Star Party Etiquette and Expectations.