About the Illig Telescope at HALO
The “Illig” telescope is the main instrument that is permanently mounted on the main pier within the HAL observatory at Alpha Ridge Park. The telescope, a Takahashi 6″ refractor, along with an Astrophysics computerized “GoTo” mount was donated to the club by long-time HAL members Leona and David Illig. The “Illig” was installed (Installation photos here) during the last week of May 2018, after finding the Watson telescope (Removal photos here) too difficult to use for public outreach.
The new equipment was introduced to the public at the June 16th, 2018 star party. It has since been further upgraded with a Moonlite Nitecrawler Focuser and Rotator, a ZWO Filter wheel, a ZWO ASI-6200 imaging camera and a ZWO off-axis guider w/ASI 220mm camera. HAL has made this equipment available to HAL members for observation and astrophotography, once they have completed training and become certified in its use.