(The first one of 2025!)
Thank you everyone who came out to join us for HAL’s first public star party of the year. We were blessed with clears skies all night long, but the wind never did seem to go away. I counted approximately 15 -17 telescopes setup. We had everything from small hand tracked scopes, to larger Schmidt Cassegrains, to several imaging only rigs with views setup on laptops or tablets. There were some folks with binoculars and I saw one gentleman walking around with a sky map just talking about the night sky. Bob and Arjun setup their display table. Even with the brisk wind, I believe a good time was had by all. There was a steady stream of visitors and I estimate between 200 and 300 people showed up over the course of the evening. As usual, the observatory was quite popular, and people were shoulder-to-shoulder listening to the team explain the setup and what was being displayed on the screen.
Thank you again to everyone who helped make tonight’s event a success.
Mike “warming up” Man
Thank you to all our visitors. We look forward to seeing you at future outings. If you want to learn more about HAL and how to become a member, go to our website, https://howardastro.org.