Action / Request / Issue | Notes / Details |
Can’t Log In | Forgot your HAL Username and/or Password. |
Update Membership Profile | After logging in, you can update your home address, phone number, username, email address, opt-in or opt-out of HAL impromptu list emails, or change Astronomical League Reflector delivery method. (If you have a family membership, additional family members can be addded to your profile.) |
Check Membership Application Status [invokes email in new window] | Click the link on the left if you are uncertain of your membership status. For example, you mailed a check but it hasn’t been deposited, or some other membership issue. This is only for your HAL membership, not for email groups, Facebook, etc. |
Check Membership Expiration Date | Current members who wish to see when their membership expires can find this information after logging into their HAL account. |
Join Our HAL Email List | After reading the particulars, you would like to opt in to our public email list (“howardastro” Google Group). |
Join Our Members-Only Impromptu Email List | Impromptu star parties are communicated via a separate members-only “hal_impromptu” Google Group. If you didn’t opt-in for impromptus when you joined HAL, here is How to Join HAL’s Impromptu Mailing List?. |
View Previous HAL Email List Messages | Read previous discussions on our public email list (“howardastro” Google Group). |
Opt Out of HAL Email List | If you want to opt out of your current HAL email group subscription, send a blank message from the email account your are registered with to: |
Password Changed — But Not By You! [invokes email in new window] | Select this choice if you received email notification of a password change you did not initiate. |
Speaker Wanted for Your Group [invokes email in new window] | If you would like someone to speak about HAL and/or astronomy at your Howard County school or organization, copy the bulleted list below, click the link on the left and paste the following into your email:
Note: HAL has only limited bandwidth for this. Provide at least four weeks notice. |
Attend Star Party with Your Group [invokes email in new window] | If you would like members of your organization to attend a scheduled Public HAL star party at Alpha Ridge Park, first select a date of a currently scheduled HAL public star party and then copy the bulleted list below, click the link on the left and paste the following into your email:
We do not currently support custom star parties at your location or private star parties at Alpha Ridge Park. However, we would be glad to host your group at an already scheduled event. |
Buy, Resell, or Donate | If you want to buy, resell, or donate equipment, please sign up for our HAL email list. More information about cash or property donations can be found on our donations page. |
It’s Something Else (none of the above) [invokes email in new window] | If you have questions, comments, or issues with the website itself, or problems signing up for a HAL email group or Facebook, or anything else not covered by the other choices, then click the link on the left and provide the following into your email:
Or perhaps you are looking for the list of HAL’s current officers? |