How to Join HAL’s Impromptu Mailing List
Impromptu star parties are unplanned events where HAL “key-holders” (select members with gate keys) decide to open up a viewing site for use by HAL members. The decision to hold one generally occurs at the last-minute when the weather-forecast looks good, therefore, these events are announced via a separate Gaggle email group. If you didn’t opt-in for impromptus when you joined HAL, here is how to do so at any time:
To Join the e-mail group:
- Visit
- Select Menu choice: Membership >> My Membership (if you’re not already logged in, then do so)
- Once logged in you will see your membership profile
- Click the “Settings Wheel” on the right-hand side of the page and select “Edit Profile” from the drop-down menu.
- On the bottom of the left column of profile information, there will be a section titled: “Impromptu Event Emails” with two radio-buttons below the text.
- Select the ( ) “Opt-In” radio button, then click the “Update Profile” button on the lower left part of the page.
- This triggers an email to the list administrator who will add you when time permits. Note: if you do not receive an email after a week, please send an email to
- Once added, you will receive a confirmation email welcoming you to the group.
- Messages will come from the address “” with the subject prefix “[HAL Impromptu]”.
To Unsubscribe from the e-mail group follow the same steps as above, except select the ( ) Opt-out radio button when editing your profile. Note: You’ll be automatically unsubscribed if you leave the club.
Note: In contrast to the public “howardastro” mailing list, the hal_impromptu list is strictly for announcements and other organizing messages concerning impromptu star parties organized by one of our park keyholders. Discussions are limited to those regarding attending the impromptu. Discussions about the impromptu afterwards including observations and photographs made during the impromptu should be posted on the public “howardastro” list.