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HAL Meetings in 2024

HAL General Meetings (Open to the Public)

  • We have resumed in-person General Meetings at Robinson Nature Center (as well as on Zoom).
  • For specific meeting dates, see the HAL Calendar.
  • Additional information is announced via the HowardAstro Google Group.
  • All HAL Meetings (and star parties) are held in locations which are smoke free by law. Help us protect our ability to use these facilities by not smoking.

General Meetings are held from 7:00PM to approximately 9:00 on the 3rd Thursday of every month via Zoom (until further notice).

HAL Planning Meetings (Open to All Members)

Planning Meetings to discuss future club direction, events, meeting topics, outreach, etc. are open to all members. Attendance is encouraged. They are usually held from 7:00 to 8:00PM on the 1st Monday of every month via Zoom (until further notice).

Sometimes these meetings are rescheduled or cancelled due to holidays or board member unavailability. Check our home page, posts to the HowardAstro Google Group, or the HAL calendar.

2024 General Meeting Topics / Speakers
Jan. 18

Thursday, January 18th, 2024 beginning at 7:00PM

Topic: The ZWO Seestar S50: The Next Generation of Smart Telescopes

Presenter: Grace Coventry, Head of IT Services Division, Space Telescope Science Institute

Artifacts: Meeting PDF | Grace's Presentation PDF | Video Recording on YouTube | Chat Log

Grace Coventry

Grace will be delivering a presentation entitled "The ZWO Seestar S50: The Next Generation of Smart Telescopes". HAL has recently acquired a Seestar for use by our members at star parties and outreach events. Grace will provide an overview of this exciting new development in the field of amateur astronomy.
Specific subjects Grace will cover include:

  • The smart digital telescope paradigm
  • Two generations of smart telescopes
  • ZWO Seestar S50 specifications and features overview
  • A walkthrough of Seestar's observing modes
  • (Stargazing/Solar/Lunar/Planetary/Scenery)
  • Image processing, with examples
  • Uses for the Seestar
  • HAL's plans for the Seestar
There's a lot of interest in the Seestar in HAL – a number of members are acquiring them. Join us for a lively discussion about the future of smart digital telescopes!

Bio: Grace Coventry is Head of the IT Services Division for the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore. She is currently serving as 2nd Vice President of HAL.

Feb. 15

Thursday, February 15th, 2024 beginning at 7:00PM

Topic: Total Eclipse of the Heart: Is it Geometry, or Just a Phase

Presenter: Christine Hirst Bernhardt, PhD Candidate, Astronomy Professor

Artifacts: Meeting PDF | Video Recording on YouTube | Chat Log

Eclipse Information (Professor Bernhardt's links including videos)

This talk will interactively explore why we have eclipses, and why we don't have them every month. We will explore the perfect triangles that allow for eclipses, our unique place in space and time which caters to this observation, some fun stories of eclipses in the past and connections to civilizations (and colonization) and finally learn how and where to see the eclipse in April.

Christine Hirst Bernhardt is a National STEM education leader and PhD candidate at the University of Maryland. In 2021-2022 she served in Congress as an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow to advance education policy initiatives. Her passion for all things space fostered the Excellence in Astronomy Teaching award and participation on NASA's SOFIA mission. Christine identifies and addresses national needs in Earth and Space education as the chair of the National Astronomy Education Coordinator team and US member of the Global Leadership in Earth Science Education. Christine has developed programs and curricula such as a high-altitude balloon program, student space symposium and international space camp. She holds Master's in both Space Studies and Science Education. Her Doctoral research centers on international astronomy education and teacher learning with a social justice lens. She is interested in international science education and using Earth and Space topics as a gateway to STEM in early learning.

Christine Hirst Bernhardt
Mar. 21

Thursday, March 21st, 2024 beginning at 7:00PM

Topic: Laser Communications in Space

Presenters: Dave Israel, Chief Architect, Exploration and Space Communications projects division, with Armen Caroglanian

Moderator: Jimmy Acevedo

Artifacts: Meeting PDF | Video Recording on YouTube | Chat Log

Dave Israel

Join us for an informal, panel-style discussion about NASA’s recent successes building laser communications infrastructure in orbit. We’ll breeze through a brief overview presentation of laser communications technology, then chat with Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD) principal investigator Dave Israel (and possibly other guests). We plan to leave plenty of time for audience questions, so please come ready to engage!

Apr. 18

Thursday, April 18th, 2024 beginning at 7:00PM

Topic: Weather in the Outer Solar System is Cloudy and Stormy

Presenter: Dr. Richard G. Cosentino, Staff Scientist at STScI

Artifacts: Meeting PDF | Video Recording on YouTube | Chat Log

Provided after our meeting:

The clouds on the outer planets look very different from the what we see here on Earth, but then at other times they look more familiar than anyone might expect. I will talk about the general morphology of Jupiter's atmosphere, it's distinct banding and wind patterns, and of course the Great Red Spot. The discoveries from the Juno mission and the circumpolar cyclones at Jupiter's poles provide the opportunity to look at the other outer planets that all have polar storms of varying sizes. We will look at Saturn's Hexagon, the recent north pole of Uranus coming into view, and large dark spots on Neptune.

I'm originally from Buffalo NY and went to undergrad at SUNY Buffalo for Electrical Engineering and Engineering Physics, after which I worked for several years as a green building consultant working for a small firm that collaborated with architects on historical renovations and new buildings. Still loving astronomy and after a ski trip to Colorado, decided to change career paths and went back to school for astronomy at CU Boulder and then moving to New Mexico Tech, right next to the VLA to eventually earn my PhD in Physics. My PhD focused on modeling jet streams in Jupiter's atmosphere and what we could learn from observatories like Hubble and IRTF about waves and turbulence from cloud structure. I went to NASA Goddard for my postdoc where I continued studies of Jupiter's atmosphere, including the Great Red Spot and smaller spots and storms, and also worked on the OSIRIS-REx mission as an instrument scientist for a spectrometer which aided in finding the sample site for asteroid Bennu. I am now working in the instrument division at STScI on the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope and the calibration reference file pipeline.

Rick Cosentino
May 16

Thursday, May 16th, 2024 beginning at 7:00PM

Topic: Great American Solar Eclipse of 2024: Collective Experience of the Howard Astronomical League

Presenter: Jim Johnson, Former HAL President

Artifacts: Presentation PDF | Jim's Eclipse Presentation [PDF or download PPT] | Video Recording on YouTube | Chat Log

Jim Johnson

Jim Johnson's Bio from 2022.

Two years prior to the 2017 eclipse, then President Chris Todd gave a presentation to generate interest in the eclipse and he provided many thoughtful planning considerations. I know that I, for one, benefited from this presentation. Just prior to the eclipse date, I asked eclipse observers to record notes and images related to their eclipse experience. I called these notes in to use as a basis for a review of HAL's collective eclipse experience, which I presented at HAL's September 2017 meeting.

At the June 2021 HAL meeting, I embarked on a three-part series of HAL presentations that will culminate in a review of HAL's collective experience at the 2024 eclipse. The series title is The Great North American Solar Eclipse of 2024, and the three parts are:

Part 1 – An Amateur Astronomer's Guide to Solar Eclipses, (June 17, 2021) A general guide to solar eclipses and solar eclipse observing. Part 1: June 2021 YouTube recording

Part 2 – HAL Lessons from the Great American Solar Eclipse of 2017 (July 21, 2022). This presentation is the best “pre-game show” that I can recommend to prepare for the 2024 eclipse. While each and every HAL member or guest experience in 2017 was amazing, our collective experience is something quite special and worth revisiting. I prepared this presentation by starting with the with the 2017 collective experience, and added notes to derive helpful lessons for the 2024 eclipse. This presentation provides a sense of the variety of sites to which HAL members and guests traveled, their travel and lodging experiences, various experiences with weather, traffic, observation notes, and photos of sites, equipment, and the eclipse. This is a good place for someone to get a sense of what to expect in April. Part 2: July 2022 YouTube recording

Part 3 – The Collective Experience of the Howard Astronomical League. This part of the 2024 series has not yet been written, but I will be soliciting your eclipse notes and images for compilation into HAL's record of the 2024 eclipse. This compilation will be presented at the May 2024 HAL meeting.

I encourage all to review parts 1 and 2 as you complete eclipse observing and travel preparations, and to get a sense of the kinds of information that I will be asking you to collect for the 2024 collective experience presentation as the eclipse date draws nearer.

June 20

Thursday, June 20th, 2024 beginning at 7:00PM

Topic: Cosmic Visions

Presenters: Chris Hoff and Sam Harnett, Founders of The World According to Sound

Artifacts: Meeting PDF | Video Recording on YouTube | Chat Log

Chris Hoff and Sam Harnett from the Ways of Knowing podcast are coming to talk about Cosmic Visions, their radio series about the history of astronomy. Their show takes listeners from the first lunar calendars and the development of zero to the discovery of exoplanets and gravitational waves. Chris and Sam will talk about the stories in the podcast, how they made the show, and what they learned about astronomy along the way.

Chris Hoff and Sam Harnett are the founders of The World According to Sound podcast, which started as a series of 90 second podcasts in 2016 and has evolved into a series of award winning in-depth audio programs. Their philosophy is that intentional, communal listening is a way to reclaim autonomy in a visually dominated world. Their radio show minimizes speech and makes sound the focus, to give listeners a sonic space to have their own thoughts. Chris Hoff began his career in audio as an engineer for public radio and later podcasts. Sam Harnett started as a reporter covering labor and technology. They first met as volunteers at KALW in San Francisco, where they invented games to pass the time like who could put the basketball through the metal triangle rafters of 1970s public school architecture. They are currently producing their radio program as well as performing live experiential shows.

Chris Hoff and Sam Harnett
July 18

Thursday, July 18th, 2024 beginning at 7:00PM

Topic: Two Years of Exploring the Universe with JWST

Presenter: Dr. Kelly Lepo, Education and Outreach Scientist, Office of Public Outreach, STScI

Artifacts: Meeting PDF | Video Recording on YouTube | Chat Log

Dr. Kelly Lepo,

Topic Description: The James Webb Space Telescope, NASA's latest flagship space observatory, released its first spectacular color images in July 2022. This summer marks two years of the telescope’s science operations. In this presentation, Dr. Kelly Lepo will take a deep dive into some of Webb’s latest discoveries, including how galaxies in the early universe are not quite like what we expected, what glowing dust can tell us about how stars form and die, and how we can observe the atmospheres of planets inside our solar system and around other stars.

Bio: Dr. Kelly Lepo is an Education and Outreach Scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute, where she supports outreach efforts for the James Webb Space Telescope. She received a PhD in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the University of Toronto. During her time in Canada, she made numerous local and national media appearances to talk about everything from the 2012 Mayan Apocalypse to the Super Blue Blood Moon. She previously served as the Coordinator of the McGill Space Institute, taught physics at Gonzaga University, and helped build the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

Aug 15

Thursday, August 15th, 2024 beginning at 7:00PM

Topic: SOFIA: The Last Flying Observatory

Presenters: Sachin(dev) Shenoy, Principal Staff Scientist

Artifacts: Meeting PDF | Video Recording on YouTube | Chat Log

SOFIA, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, was a Boeing 747SP aircraft modified to carry a 2.7-meter (106-inch) reflecting telescope (with an effective diameter of 2.5 meters or 100 inches). Flying into the stratosphere at 38,000-45,000 feet put SOFIA above 99 percent of Earth’s infrared-blocking atmosphere, allowing astronomers to study the solar system and beyond in ways that are not possible with ground-based telescopes. In this talk I will present a brief history of SOFIA, it’s technical achievements, instruments onboard, and what it takes to be an airborne astronomer. I will conclude the talk with some of the science highlights and discoveries that were enabled by SOFIA.

Sachin Shenoy is an astronomer working as a principal staff scientist at Space Telescope Science Institutes (STScI) in Baltimore, MD and supports two instruments: WFC3 onboard Hubble and MIRI on James Webb Space Telescope. Before moving to STScI he was a senior research scientist at Space Telescope Institute (SSI) in Boulder CO and was a part of SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy), Science Center at NASA’s Ames Research Center (ARC). During his time at SSI and ARC he was working with three near to far-infrared instruments: FLITECAM, FORCAST and HAWC+ onboard NASA’s SOFIA. Prior to SOFIA, he was a NASA Postdoctoral Fellow at Ames Research Center, staff scientist at Spitzer Space Telescope Science Center, MIPSGAL postdoctoral fellow and adjunct faculty at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His science interests are, understanding the physical and chemical properties of molecular clouds, effects of star formation on the interstellar grains, creation and destruction of organics in the interstellar medium and circumstellar disks.

Sachin is an avid bird watcher and loves the outdoors, frequently volunteering for National Park Service, Mobile Earth and Space Observatory (MESO), Astronomy on Tap, and local/city parks and recreation. He also enjoys cooking, traveling and long-distance running.

Sachin Shenoy
Sept 19

Thursday, September 19th, 2024 beginning at 7:00PM

Topic: The Past, Present, and Future of Lunar Sample Analysis

Presenter: Dr. Sarah Valencia, Assistant Research Scientist, University of Maryland/NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center

Artifacts: Meeting PDF | Video Recording on YouTube | Chat Log

Dr. Sarah Valencia

In this talk I will discuss the biggest lessons learned from the analysis of Apollo samples, current advances in sample analysis, and look toward to the exciting return of Artemis samples.

Dr. Sarah Valencia is a lunar geologist at the University of Maryland College Park and NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center through the Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science and Technology II program. Her research focuses on the formation and evolution of igneous lunar rocks using both lunar samples analysis and remote sensing techniques.

Oct 17

Thursday, October 17th, 2024 beginning at 7:00PM

Topic: Space Shuttle Stories

Presenter: Astronaut Thomas Jones

Presented by Howard County Library System in partnership with The Maryland STEM Festival and HAL.

Artifacts: Meeting PDF | Video Recording on YouTube | Chat Log

Note: This special meeting will not be at RNC. It wil be at: Howard County Library System Elkridge Branch, Belmont / Hockley Room, 6540 Washington Blvd, Elkridge, MD 21075.

To attend in person, you must preregister!
Scroll to the bottom of the library's event page.

Space Shuttle Stories: Firsthand Astronaut Accounts from All 135 Missions -- "Experience all 135 NASA space shuttle missions ever flown through the words of the astronauts themselves in this spectacularly illustrated volume. With more than 600 photos from the NASA archives, this guide is perfect for fans of space history and spaceflight."

"Astronaut Tom Jones provides readers of all ages with a definitive look into the spirit, challenges, enjoyment, and faith that accompanies Earth-orbit exploration. Space Shuttle Stories takes us inside the lives, the risks, and the dedication of those men and women who are reaching for the stars." —Harrison H. Schmitt, Apollo 17 astronaut and geologist.

Tom Jones is a veteran astronaut, planetary scientist, pilot, author, and speaker who completed four space shuttle missions and three spacewalks in helping build the International Space Station. Jones has authored six books, including Sky Walking: An Astronaut's Memoir, and has written for aerospace magazines such as Air & Space Smithsonian, Aerospace America, Popular Mechanics, and The Planetary Report. A senior research scientist for IHMC, he appears regularly on television news as an expert commentator for space exploration and science stories.

Astronaut Tom Jones
Nov 21

Thursday, November 21st, 2024 beginning at 7:00PM

Topic: Introduction to Amateur Astronomy: Review of Some Basic Concepts

Presenter: Jim Tomney, Victor Sanchez, & Jim Johnson - Current and former HAL Officers

Artifacts: Meeting PDF | Video Recording on YouTube | Chat Log |
Download PPT: Naked Eye Astronomy (Jim Tomney)

HAL logo

Abstract: The club has welcomed quite a few new members this year. This month's meeting will cover a few fundamental topics. The idea is to help new members get started and provide a refresher, or at least some useful tidbits, for longtime members. We'll also touch upon the various opportunities for any members who'd like to get more involved with HAL.

Meeting Agenda: (times are approximate; questions are encouraged!)

  • Naked Eye Astronomy – Getting Oriented - Jim Tomney, 15 minutes
  • Telescopes & Telescope Gear, A Brief Overview - Victor Sanchez, 15 minutes
  • Beginner's Level Comparison of Visual vs. Photographic Observing – Jim Johnson, 15 minutes
  • HAL Service Opportunities - Jim Johnson, 15 minutes

Dec 19

Thursday, December 19th, 2024 beginning at 7:00PM

Topic: Year-End Holiday Party Meeting

Presenter: Santa Sanchez

Quick Zoom Link. More options on home page.

Once again, as is our long-standing tradition, we will use the occasion of our December meeting to hold our Holiday Pot-Luck Party at the Robinson Nature Center.

The meeting will be on Thursday, December 21st from 7 to 9 pm, with doors opening at 6:30 for those who bring something and need some time to set up. We’ll also include a zoom meeting (link above) for those who can’t attend in person.

If you can make it, please RSVP as soon as possible to with Subject line: HAL Holiday Party RSVP and indicate how many people will attend and what item(s) you anticipate bringing. Examples of items brought to past holiday parties include… Meatballs, Ham, Salads, Chili, Casseroles, Potato salad, Coleslaw, Desserts, Juices and Sodas, Vegetables, Chips, etc…

Note that this is a members-only event, but you’re welcome to bring family members.

In addition to the food and fun, if you want to bring in telescopes and related products to swap, sell, or giveaway, bring the items with you. For those who attend in person, we'll also be raffling off a Televue 20 mm Plossl eyepiece as a door prize. Auction Link.

Santa Scope
Feb 20

Thursday, February 20, 2025 beginning at 7:00PM.

Topic: AI-based Surveying of Exoplanet Atmospheres

Presenter: Dr. Reza Ashtari, Exoplanet Astronomer at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Dr. Reza Ashtari

Abstract: Producing optimized and accurate transmission spectra from telescope data is a manual and labor-intensive process. Using artificial-intelligence-based processing, we automate and optimize the data reduction and model-fitting required for processing light curves and spectroscopic data from exoplanet transits with the Eureka! pipeline for Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations.

Using AI-based processing of HST transit observations, we present a standardized, homogeneous survey of exoplanet atmospheres. Spanning a range of exoplanet-types from hot Jupiters to sub-Neptunes, this AI-enabled science provides one of the most comprehensive surveys of exoplanet atmospheres to date. Using this tool to perform large-scale, data-driven comparative exoplanetology, we have identified long-sought after trends in cloud-formation for both the Jovian and Neptune/sub-Neptune regimes of exoplanets.

Bio: Reza is an exoplanet astronomer at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. He received his PhD in Electromagnetics from Auburn University in 2016 and has served various science and engineering roles since starting at APL in 2016. His work focuses on exoplanet atmospheres & magnetic fields using ground and space-based telescopes (from optical to radio), technosignatures, and extending NASA's Deep Space Network capability. He has served various roles on NASA’s New Horizons, Dragonfly and Interstellar Probe missions.

2013 Meetings - Speakers and Topics
2014 Meetings - Speakers and Topics
2015 Meetings - Speakers and Topics
2016 Meetings - Speakers and Topics
2017 Meetings - Speakers and Topics
2018 Meetings - Speakers and Topics
2019 Meetings - Speakers and Topics
2020 Meetings - Speakers and Topics
2021 Meetings - Speakers and Topics
2022 Meetings - Speakers and Topics
2023 Meetings - Speakers and Topics

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