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Solar Max Event Report - 4-20-2013

In exchange for getting to hold our monthly meetings in the Robinson Nature Center, HAL reciprocates by holding various observing sessions a few times a year on the "Green Roof". Today was one such event for solar observation. As you can see, we had excellent member support with 5 white light and Ha scopes. There wasn't a huge crowd - more like a steady trickle - but everyone was happy with the viewing results.

The weather was nice. It was a bit on the cool side but very comfortable sitting out in full sun. Thanks to the HAL members that supported this event. We'll be repeating this same event three more time in 2013 in case you missed this one. The next one is on June 15th, 1-4PM.

April 6, 2013 Members Star Party

I was at AR from sunset to about 9 PM, when it clouded over. Never really counted, but I saw at least 10 people there at one point. I noticed most were packing up when I left, and one or two had already gone.

High point of the evening was the shadow transit on Jupiter. Other than that (for me at least) it was mainly hunting for double stars in the Monoceros region. The conditions for deep sky observing were really wretched, however.

At least it wasn't a rain-out!

And many thanks to David for being our host last evening. It was great to get out with the scope, even for just a couple of hours. And seeing the shadow transit made it all worth while!

Actually, the chance to see the others who showed up as well is what really made it worth while. A lot of good conversation last night, even though much of it was complaining about the poor conditions. The wind was probably more of a problem than the (mostly high, thin) clouds. My scope was literally shaking at times as I observed Jupiter, making it impossible to get a steady image.

Bob Prokop


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Last modified: November 27, 2015 @ 18:39 EST